In nuvela lui H.P Lovecraft "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", Kadath era locul unde cei mai vechi zei ai pamantului isi duceau traiul... Acest orash ii apare in vis unui anumit Carter, care doreste sa ajunga acolo. In ciuda faptului k nimeni numai fusese in acel loc si ca zeii nu doresc musafiri nepoftiti, el se porneste in cautarea orasului. Dupa multe peripetii si pericole el ajunge unde a dorit, dar orasul era gol...
Acum am sa bag un citat:
"After an exhilarating flight, Carter arrives at last at the abode of the gods, but finds it empty. Finally a great procession arrives with much fanfare, led by a man who explains to Carter that the gods of earth have seen the city of Carter's dreams and decided to make it their home, and have thus abandoned Kadath. The gods walk no more in the ways of gods, and have become instead mere denizens of the jewelled city Carter had glimpsed in his dreams. The pharaoh commands Carter to find this city, so that the natural order might be restored. "It is not over unknown seas," he says, "but back over well-known years that your quest must go; back to the bright strange things of infancy and the quick sun-drenched glimpses of magic that old scenes brought to wide young eyes. For know you, that your gold and marble city of wonder is only the sum of what you have seen and loved in youth.... These things you saw, Randolph Carter, when your nurse first wheeled you out in the springtime, and they will be the last things you will ever see with eyes of memory and of love." This mysterious man then reveals his identity—he is Nyarlathotep , the Crawling Chaos, the emissary of the Other Gods who dwell in the blackness of space."
Pentru mine Kadath este un simbol al perfectiunii imperfecte, un simbol al infinitului, al posibilitatilor, al dorintei...
Totul este posibil, iar dupa ce acel "tot" este posibil, apare un alt "tot" care si acela este posibil...
lovely >:D<
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Pa...ce ! :D